Career Goals:

Currently, I am living in Boston, MA. I work full-time for Procter and Gamble with Gillette as a cost engineer. I am thrilled to start my career with them and continue my other passions alongside this.

As I start work full-time, I want to continue to manage, grow, and innovate my domino business, working with new clients and improving my abilities and increasing the value I can provide. After working for a few years in industry, I’d like to get my MBA from Harvard Business School to learn more and meet new, ambitious people. I also think it will help accelerate my career and open new doors to management positions.

Future domino and chain reaction events:

Sadly, no events are currently planned due to COVID, but I have many fun, smaller personal projects I will be starting. There are also a couple of long-term events or engagements in the works that would be very exciting!

Other Interests/Passions:


Above is a short video of my current deadlift personal record, which is 420 pounds. I have only competed in one official powerlifting meet, but I am still very fascinated by the sport in general. I am a member of Cornell Barbell on campus and I typically make time to lift at the gyms on campus 4-6 days per week, and I have been doing so for 4 years now. My body weight stays relatively consistent between 160 and 175, and my other lifetime personal records are: 415 pounds squat, 260 pounds bench press, 145 pounds dip, and 100 pounds pull-up. It is very difficult to get stronger and make this a focus during college (since one needs adequate sleep and food), but I find the process very rewarding.


Primarily because of domino building, I have been lucky enough to travel to many places I would not have been able to otherwise! With every adventure comes a new place, new people, new cultures, and new memories. I love exploring and taking advantage of what each location has to offer. Some of my favorite cities I have been to because of dominoes and chain reaction machines are Seattle, Los Angeles, Boston, New York City, and Berlin! If I can count correctly, I have been to 29 states, and 9 countries, and I hope I have the opportunity to go to more in the future. Some of the places I really want to go to someday are Japan, Italy, and Australia!


After arriving at Cornell my freshman year, I was placed into a food shock with the inundation of different options, many of which I had not been exposed to previously. After being a picky eater for years and years my taste buds evolved and learned to like trying foods of different cultures and forms. I love to go to new restaurants that have unique dishes or menus. Although not an everyday thing, I have learned to really appreciate fine dining, and am mesmerized by the experience of an extravagant restaurant. I plan on continuing to strive to try new foods from new cultures. In addition to eating out, I’ve been trying to become more skilled in cooking for myself too. This past semester, I received an Instant Pot for my birthday, and I have been trying to meal prep some of my meals. I have a lot to learn, but it’s a fun science to explore to combine my interests of food, along with health and nutrition. If you’re interested in learning about some of the most amazing places I have dined at, I have a separate page I have created to store those memories, here, mainly for personal use.

This delicious plate was one of a seven course meal from Yamazato, a Michelin star Japanese restaurant in Amsterdam. This sashimi was the best I have ever had, and it was so colorful!

This delicious plate was one of a seven course meal from Yamazato, a Michelin star Japanese restaurant in Amsterdam. This sashimi was the best I have ever had, and it was so colorful!

Scuba Diving

Above is a video clip from when my family traveled to Cozumel, Mexico in April, 2018. This is a green sea turtle in the video, along with some angelfish. In addition to these, we saw a nurse shark and multiple barracudas on this trip. Scuba diving is a very integral part of my family, and I want to explore it more.


Although I’d be shocked to believe this 3 years ago, listening to audiobooks and reading has become a passion of mine in the past two years. Especially while traveling, walking to class, driving, building dominoes, or eating, I love it! It keeps my mind thinking, and can deter me from worrying and overthinking everything else that I have going on. I am always interested in finding new authors or titles that provide engaging content. If you have any recommendations that you have enjoyed, please let me know. Most of the titles I have read fall into either the business or self-development categories. I set a goal for myself to read 30 books in 2019, and I just barely completed that. If you’re interested, I have notes for myself on the books I’ve read here.

Me in St. Lucia this past January. I got to explore a beach and ride on a catamaran all day!

Me in St. Lucia this past January. I got to explore a beach and ride on a catamaran all day!

Lily Hevesh (Hevesh5), Steve Price (Spricemachines), Nathan Heck (Supermarmarman1) and I right before the 10th annual domino toppling at the Brattleboro Museum and Arts Center. 2017

Lily Hevesh (Hevesh5), Steve Price (Spricemachines), Nathan Heck (Supermarmarman1) and I right before the 10th annual domino toppling at the Brattleboro Museum and Arts Center. 2017

My sister, Stephanie, and I in Paris, France. As a graduation present/trip (albeit 6 months late), we traveled to Paris and Amsterdam for a week on our winter vacation. It was my second time in Europe, and first real time getting to explore. January…

My sister, Stephanie, and I in Paris, France. As a graduation present/trip (albeit 6 months late), we traveled to Paris and Amsterdam for a week on our winter vacation. It was my second time in Europe, and first real time getting to explore. January 2019

My new member class for Theta Tau after becoming official brothers. December 2017

My new member class for Theta Tau after becoming official brothers. December 2017

My sister, Stephanie, and I visiting our Dad at work! October 2017

My sister, Stephanie, and I visiting our Dad at work! October 2017

My sister Stephanie and two cousins Jacob and Jillian all wearing Cornell shirts. Cornell ‘20, Cornell ‘22, Cornell ‘23, and Cornell ‘23 left to right. Circa 2006.

My sister Stephanie and two cousins Jacob and Jillian all wearing Cornell shirts. Cornell ‘20, Cornell ‘22, Cornell ‘23, and Cornell ‘23 left to right. Circa 2006.